I am the daughter of a bipolar mother. My experiences with my mother, family, and friends teach me everyone's reality is different and perception is the friend or the foe of the day. I am hoping my posts give insight to those who are curious and give comfort to those who see a parallel. I invite feedback and look forward to collaboration. It is my focus to spread joy, even on dark days. Smiles can be effortless or the workout of the day. Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 24, 2020

just a bunch of angry texts messages from my mother

Oh I see I CHOSE to move & set myself back $11561-it’s only less than US dollars So I can set myself up for OK having paid $11561 for “free month”
Even tho my short term memory still goes & comes back on whim even I can see that as a colossal loss $
Should I rationalize this loss by saying my own savings well spent & it’s just Grandma’s $
It’s my Dad’s too & he’d want more value you for my inheritance & add to it Stoneleigh never mind the positive emails will RUIN my credit! No credit rating or possibility of choices like leasing anywhere. What did You think- I want home for more than 21 months at time The WF is NOT home It’s ridiculous 1 room that is smaller than my dorm room except oh great the laundry in same floor not 1st floor

I have better hopes than this NO ONE CHECKS ON ME
So far for $11,561 except for 2 shuttle rides I have done it all myself
Do you know how frustrating it is to sample veggie selection & know TOO MUCH SALT so in trash it goes! I ate last my veggies yesterday except for tiny tomatoes I finished today
Why how am I better off here?
It seems soon just convenient for my immediate family-
No need take off to provide rides to doctors So far feel I can drive myself BUT I cannot afford another dollar toward place does NOT come through ALL promised & I pay price literally & out of my dwindling wallet

Oh I do write NO SALT PLEASE
IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD BE....It is a rip off- & I pay for it

Please do not text me proselytizing suggestions as I may have had rough few months yet I can still function well in my financial life & making most w decor & treasures & Art that help me know here I am again starting over for TOO many times to name yet past 30 years I relied on myself & solely myself to buffer my tattered life with solid savings, zero debt & nice place to live & most of time nice car. Do you have any idea what Birthday car meant to me after first Corolla was totaled & Yaris was my step down car from 2010 to 2018! You diminish me by leaps & bounds with “lecture texts” about choices yet you dance around that choices remain limited for me realistically & financially due to one more relapse-this cost me my financial stability along with my family regarding me like I never faced challenges in my life-21 moves counting this one, 4 assaults all life changing & doing it mostly on my own financially because my Dad could only afford two family members he supported & cared for -one for 70 years & other for 65 or 66 years plus doing extras for his youngest child. As a single child I wonder if you know what it’s like to be as fiercely independent as I’ve been through 3 in patient stays starting over at work & letting go people who cannot deal well with a severe neurological disorder-some in my family. I have no plans to accommodate a sibling who verbally abused me multiple times & verbally abused a parent that just needed say “good bye” & collect some memories what left & some dusty mementos.
Never again do I want to hear Bob M -himself estranged from some family & not ever sought counseling for his abuse-Tell me I will regret not making contact with my abusive brother-That is awkwardness of you being in business with Bro-little objectivity & lots lets just smooth it over. One last time “Blood is not thicker than water when abuse is involved.”
Somehow I find myself compromising my own views & beliefs to & for what with You & Bob. People who’ve lost as much as I have relish & need home WE CHOSE-not home others choose & just tell us we have power & choices to....
We do not have those magical powers-NEVER did I move myself during a relapse for a year or more after. I am ripped to shreds by this move-sometimes I think I go along with your choices FOR ME out of guilt. NO MORE-& now know both You & Bob have no idea how much you harmed & set back my recovery-for 30 years I counted on providing myself with financial stability & two iof you ended that in few short weeks.
I am in tatters mentally spiritually emotionally AND NOW financially. My success now is not in my favor. I am OK with Gonzales & Iqbal. I do like Onadeko. Rest I did to appease You-Chauhan NOT match for me & I have many more years than you to know that. As to DPOA-I have regrets as decisions made has left me bankrupt metaphorically. Take $20K & car so I can feel I in some way gave you compensation for what-relapsing during Covid 19? In your home. Never contemplated our relationship might fracture yet give my kind Bi-polar long enough...I do not care label hang on me today yet I am more than a label. Honestly I have lost myself plus core of my family all get is a text with emojis like maybe what I have is contagious. And condescending offer 4-6 each Thursday and seem get more out of doing chores CVS & etc than am I really still connected to you in any meaningful way. I did read Margot Kidder’s daughter gave up on her cause BP is an unforgiving Bitch that can demolish what’s left. Just why shove me into a place that is so not healing or responsive to me? Convenience? Done? Not sure what do next? Why tell me you consulted legal counsel & did not-Now I’m mired in Stoneleigh financial mess & Covid gives you reason to hand it off to me & walk away. Give what’s left nest egg back? I’m left hurt & confused

Texts will not help. You have NOT called since drives home from Waco. I’m in less than place for Your convenience & especially Bob’s. How long has it been since you can risk telling me The Truth. Did You think Bro could deliver The Shocking News better. I did not pry tho asked every now & then about Bob’s possible new jobs. Bro’s version was like a Mental Nuclear Bomb- Bob’s been working at HK 17-18 mos according to Bro. Of course he’d had few alcoholic beverages nite before & huge hangover. Then I take you to Kearney’s to celebrate you leaving Dwyer Group as IF no opportunities yet for job-that was Wednesday & on Friday you’re working at HK. So here it is-you CHOOSE be in business w someone who verbally abused his Mother-she’s 88 soon 89-and does NOT see her again until nearly her death; he keeps HK like living memorial, says a lot negative about Bob to me, says you’re like his daughter & you’re the new PREZ of HK-honestly I thought I’d ended up in episode of Twilight Zone- who what actually reality check here-NOTHING from you not even when at Kearny’s & this “secret biz arrangement “ going on since 2017? Somewhere or when is a disconnect that suggests our relationship has been strained far longer than I knew-cause at Kearney’s you say not word that in two days Friday you will officially work at HK with man who will or says who will not welcome your Father to visit you at work. Now I’m in place so detrimental to my health & you tell me to make it work. When rash hurried decision move WF & SL financial fallout finally settles I want what’s left of my nest egg back & WHEN SHIT COVID FINALLY ALLOWS ME OUT HERE I am moving to either small town outside of Vancouver, Indy (Indianapolis) or Taos NM-it’s like you adventuring to Taipei in 1986 & I supported your CHOICE even when another parental unit said just “following a boy” when I knew you were actually following your dream! And 30 years later..... I expect you to support me following my dream! You’re right-I can CHOSE for myself & realize I may not see you for....cause I plan not to fly there but see country with my mover-Bob can relax cause it’s NOT you.
You’re FREE of me after 30 years helping me through hell & for some strong reason I see NO relapse in WA IN or NM at least not for another 25 years & by then I will be w Elvis, If ALL get until I move is 4-6 on Thursdays-then I take it! No road trip for you this time. My fondest memories of my Adult Daughter was trip to NC & back from GA plus time in NC from 06 to 2012. It’s been hard on us all since. Bob needs you & you’re like Gpa-a natural caretaker. When Bob did his you’re going to be end of my wife & I’ll be a widower I did NOT cross him-you mean world to him & it’s time for me go away & THIS IS MY LAST MOVE! To watch sun set & rise over waters around Vancouver I hope- better find support group there & people help me get there!

I am NOT flying to my New Last Home-Maybe wherever BNSF can take me, my loving creatures, my art including All Bob Art, & what’s left of my furniture. I bet I can ship my treasures & new bed & you can have your chair back & royal blue chair-I’ll take pillows art my plush animals my clothes you got me & I’ll order new tops before I go-I want more than a vacation & regrettably I cannot go to Canada-no connections there tho have stellar mental health network compared to here & more affordable doctors & scrips. If something happens to HK or you are welcome to get away & live with me. Please bring Travis & Jordan-they can savor a “pot” garden with no repercussions. I AM LEAVING TEXAS-I NEVER CHOSE TO LIVE HERE-WISH I’D MOVED US WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG BUT THERE WAS DADDY TO CONSIDER & LATER YOUR FRIENDS & SCHOOL. I AM OK YOU ARE NATIVE TO TEXAS & WANT TO STAY HERE. THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO LIVE WITH YOU IN NC & GA & NOW IT’S TIME FOR ME TO LEAVE ALL HERE & GO HOME TO VANCOUVER-I DO NOT THINK INDY OR TAOS WILL WORK-I TORE OUT PART OF MY BECOMING JOURNAL CAUSE ALL ABOUT MY MOVE & DID NOT WANT TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS & YOU’RE DONE HELPING ME THRU BP RELAPSES-IT!S TIME FOR YOU TO QUIT. IF COVID GOES OUT BOUNDS HERE I KNOW YOU WANT STAY NO MATTER...I AM SORRY I CANNOT PROTECT YOU & NEEDED TO REALIZE THAT LONG TIME AGO-TRULY YOU ARE DONE-I WILL MANAGE ANY FURTHER SETBACKS & THINK ABOUT IT

I am sorry for my texts that need go in my journal like Nanny gave me many years ago
I give You much credit for all your decisions during and after while I am trying to recover.
I do feel frustrated but not alone in that my setting myself up for spring & summer success & trip to Vancouver to check out living there never came about.
Your counsel & wisdom mean a lot & I know I can only try make peace with aftermath of moving & what it cost or will cost.
It appears my health insurance mostly covers if not entirely covers cost of hospital stays & the out patient group which of course is big relief & great news. I am concerned GBH in-patient bill has not posted or billed yet while out patient bills finally being paid. I will sign onto Medicare today to see if find out more & put medical bills behind me.
I am unsure about Stoneleigh & delay. Perhaps holding off until August 11th my last day 60 day notice to vacate. I do not know
Your kindness & perseverance mean more than...I understand if you prefer to quit on my behalf.
I have fully paid Visa, still have Weather Tech credit yet post, plan no more bills beyond ATT & water bill. Will not buy few tops & essentials until all settles. I have 2nd direct deposit coming on day WF drafts $1850-plenty to cover it now & my account will see more $ w DD on 8-3.
It’s all such shock it’s hard to understand. Honestly I cannot afford WF plus doctors scrips few groceries. I am scared for my finances. I know you meant well & to lease anywhere else I will need pay SL what they demand. All my efforts keep nest egg above $100K just nearly there....
Take care. I worry for you as Covid back rate like worst. You & Travis & Jordan are my all.
I tried w Bob & failed.

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